Developing OpenERP Web Addons

An OpenERP Web addon is simply a Python package with an openerp descriptor (a file) which follows a few structural and namespacing rules.


<addon name>
  +-- controllers/
  +-- static/
       +-- lib/
       +-- src/
            +-- css/
            +-- img/
            +-- js/
            +-- xml/
       +-- test/
  +-- test/

The addon’s descriptor, contains the following information:

name: str
The addon name, in plain, readable english
version: str
The addon version, following Semantic Versioning rules
depends: [str]
A list of addons this addon needs to work correctly. base is an implied dependency if the list is empty.
css: [str]
An ordered list of CSS files this addon provides and needs. The file paths are relative to the addon’s root. Because the Web Client may perform concatenations and other various optimizations on CSS files, the order is important.
js: [str]
An ordered list of Javascript files this addon provides and needs (including dependencies files). As with CSS files, the order is important as the Web Client may perform contatenations and minimizations of files.
active: bool
Whether this addon should be enabled by default any time it is found, or whether it will be enabled through other means (on a by-need or by-installation basis for instance).
All of the Python controllers and JSON-RPC endpoints.
The static files directory, may be served via a separate web server.
Third-party libraries used by the addon.
Location for (respectively) the addon’s static CSS files, its JS files, its various image resources as well as the template files
Javascript tests files
The directories in which all tests for the addon are located.

Some of these are guidelines (and not enforced by code), but it’s suggested that these be followed. Code which does not fit into these categories can go wherever deemed suitable.



Because addons are also Python packages, they’re inherently namespaced and nothing special needs to be done on that front.


The JavaScript side of an addon has to live in the namespace openerp.$addon_name. For instance, everything created by the addon base lives in openerp.base.

The root namespace of the addon is a function which takes a single parameter openerp, which is an OpenERP client instance. Objects (as well as functions, registry instances, etc...) should be added on the correct namespace on that object.

The root function will be called by the OpenERP Web client when initializing the addon.

// root namespace of the openerp.example addon
/** @namespace */
openerp.example = function (openerp) {
    // basic initialization code (e.g. templates loading)
    openerp.example.SomeClass = openerp.base.Class.extend(
        /** @lends openerp.example.SomeClass# */{
         * Description for SomeClass's constructor here
         * @constructs
        init: function () {
            // SomeClass initialization code
        // rest of SomeClass

    // access an object in an other addon namespace to replace it
    openerp.base.SearchView = openerp.base.SearchView.extend({
        init: function () {
            this._super.apply(this, arguments);
            console.log('Search view initialized');

Creating new standard roles


This is the base class for all visual components. It provides a number of services for the management of a DOM subtree:

  • Rendering with QWeb

  • Parenting-child relations

  • Life-cycle management (including facilitating children destruction when a parent object is removed)

  • DOM insertion, via jQuery-powered insertion methods. Insertion targets can be anything the corresponding jQuery method accepts (generally selectors, DOM nodes and jQuery objects):


    Renders the widget and inserts it as the last child of the target, uses .appendTo()


    Renders the widget and inserts it as the first child of the target, uses .prependTo()


    Renders the widget and inserts it as the preceding sibling of the target, uses .insertAfter()


    Renders the widget and inserts it as the following sibling of the target, uses .insertBefore()

Widget() inherits from SessionAware(), so subclasses can easily access the RPC layers.

Subclassing Widget

Widget() is subclassed in the standard manner (via the extend() method), and provides a number of abstract properties and concrete methods (which you may or may not want to override). Creating a subclass looks like this:

var MyWidget = openerp.base.Widget.extend({
    // QWeb template to use when rendering the object
    template: "MyQWebTemplate",
    // autogenerated id prefix, specificity helps when debugging
    identifier_prefix: 'my-id-prefix-',

    init: function(parent) {
        // insert code to execute before rendering, for object
        // initialization
    start: function() {
        // post-rendering initialization code, at this point
        // ``this.$element`` has been initialized
        this.$element.find(".my_button").click(/* an example of event binding * /);

        // if ``start`` is asynchronous, return a promise object so callers
        // know when the object is done initializing
        return this.rpc(/* … */)

The new class can then be used in the following manner:

// Create the instance
var my_widget = new MyWidget(this);
// Render and insert into DOM

After these two lines have executed (and any promise returned by appendTo has been resolved if needed), the widget is ready to be used.


the insertion methods will start the widget themselves, and will return the result of start().

If for some reason you do not want to call these methods, you will have to first call render() on the widget, then insert it into your DOM and start it.

If the widget is not needed anymore (because it’s transient), simply terminate it:


will unbind all DOM events, remove the widget’s content from the DOM and destroy all widget data.


Views are the standard high-level component in OpenERP. A view type corresponds to a way to display a set of data (coming from an OpenERP model).

In OpenERP Web, views are standard objects registered against a dedicated object registry, so the ViewManager() knows where to find and how to call them.

Although not mandatory, it is recommended that views inherit from openerp.base.View(), which provides a view useful services to its children.

Registering a view

This is the first task to perform when creating a view, and the simplest by far: simply call openerp.base.views.add(name, object_path) to register the object of path object_path as the view for the view name name.

The view name is the name you gave to your new view in the OpenERP server.

From that point onwards, OpenERP Web will be able to find your object and instantiate it.

Standard view behaviors

In the normal OpenERP Web flow, views have to implement a number of methods so view managers can correctly communicate with them:


This method will always be called after creating the view (via its constructor), but not necessarily immediately.

It is called with no arguments and should handle the heavy setup work, including remote call (to load the view’s setup data from the server via e.g. fields_view_get, for instance).

start should return a promise object which must be resolved when the view’s setup is completed. This promise is used by view managers to know when they can start interacting with the view.


Called by the view manager when it wants to replace this view by an other one, but wants to keep this view around to re-activate it later.

Should put the view in some sort of hibernation mode, and must hide its DOM elements.

Called when the view manager wants to re-display the view after having hidden it. The view should refresh its data display upon receiving this notification
do_search(domains: Array, contexts: Array, groupbys: Array)

If the view is searchable, this method is called to notify it of a search against it.

It should use the provided query data to perform a search and refresh its internal content (and display).

All views are searchable by default, but they can be made non-searchable by setting the property searchable to false.

This can be done either on the view class itself (at the same level as defining e.g. the start method) or at the instance level (in the class’s init), though you should generally set it on the class.

Frequent development tasks

There are a number of tasks which OpenERP Web developers do or will need to perform quite regularly. To make these easier, we have written a few guides to help you get started:


OpenERP Web should provide most of the tools needed to correctly translate your addons via the tool of your choice (OpenERP itself uses Launchpad’s own translation tool.

Making strings translatable


QWeb automatically marks all text nodes (any text which is not in an XML attribute and not part of an XML tag) as translatable, and handles the replacement for you. There is nothing special to do to mark template text as translatable


OpenERP Web provides two functions to translate human-readable strings in javascript code. These functions should be “imported” in your module by aliasing them to their bare name:

var _t = openerp.web._t,
   _tl = openerp.web._tl;

importing those functions under any other name is not guaranteed to work.


only import them if necessary, and only the necessary one(s), no need to clutter your module’s namespace for nothing


Base translation function, eager, works much like gettext(3)

Return type:String

Lazy equivalent to _t(), this function will postpone fetching the translation to its argument until the last possible moment.

To use in contexts evaluated before the translation database can be fetched, usually your module’s toplevel and the attributes of classes defined in it (class attributes, not instance attributes set in the constructor).

Return type:LazyString
Text formatting & translations

A difficulty when translating is integrating data (from the code) into the translated string. In OpenERP Web addons, this should be done by wrapping the text to translate in an sprintf(3) call. For OpenERP Web, sprintf(3) is provided by underscore.string.

As much as possible, you should use the “named argument” form of sprintf:

var translated_string = _.str.sprintf(
    _t("[%(first_record)d to %(last_record)d] of %(records_count)d"), {
        first_record: first + 1,
        last_record: last,
        records_count: total

named arguments make the string to translate much clearer for translators, and allows them to “move” sections around based on the requirements of their language (not all language order text like english).

Named arguments are specified using the following pattern: %($name)$type where

the name of the argument, this is the key in the object/dictionary provided as second parameter to sprintf
a type/format specifier, see the list for all possible types.


positional arguments are acceptable if the translated string has a single argument and its content is easy to guess from the text around it. Named arguments should still be preferred.


you should never use string concatenation as it robs the translator of context and make result in a completely incorrect translation

Extracting strings

Once strings have been marked for translation, they need to be extracted into POT files, from which most translation tools can build a database.

This can be done via the provided

It can be called either as -a or by providing two parameters, a path to the addons and the complete path in which to put the extracted POT file.


Extracts translations from all standard OpenERP Web addons (addons bundled with OpenERP Web itself) and puts the extracted templates into the right directory for Rosetta to handle them

Utility behaviors


  • All javascript objects inheriting from openerp.base.BasicConroller() will have all methods starting with on_ or do_ bound to their this. This means they don’t have to be manually bound (via _.bind or $.proxy) in order to be useable as bound event handlers (event handlers keeping their object as this rather than taking whatever this object they were called with).

    Beware that this is only valid for methods starting with do_ and on_, any other method will have to be bound manually.



OpenERP Web uses unittest2 for its testing needs. We selected unittest2 rather than unittest for the following reasons:

To run tests on addons (from the root directory of OpenERP Web) is as simple as typing PYTHONPATH=. unit2 discover -s addons [1]. To test an addon which does not live in the addons directory, simply replace addons by the directory in which your own addon lives.


unittest2 is entirely compatible with nose (or the other way around). If you want to use nose as your test runner (due to its addons for instance) you can simply install it and run nosetests addons instead of the unit2 command, the result should be exactly the same.


  • Addons lifecycle (loading, execution, events, ...)
    • Python-side
    • JS-side
  • Handling static files
  • Overridding a Python controller (object?)
  • Overridding a Javascript controller (object?)
  • Extending templates .. how do you handle deploying static files via e.g. a separate lighttpd?
  • Python public APIs
  • QWeb templates description?
  • OpenERP Web modules (from OpenERP modules)

the -s parameter tells unit2 to start trying to find tests in the provided directory (here we’re testing addons). However a side-effect of that is to set the PYTHONPATH there as well, so it will fail to find (and import) openerpweb.

The -t parameter lets us set the PYTHONPATH independently, but it doesn’t accept multiple values and here we really want to have both . and addons on the PYTHONPATH.

The solution is to set the PYTHONPATH to . on start, and the start-directory to addons. This results in a correct PYTHONPATH within unit2.