OpenERP – new web client (6.1) documentation

Even if it’s not yet available on the web (don’t ask why…. :S) you can view the new OpenERP web client documentation on your machine. That’s what you have to do in order to get it:

first of all install sphinx if you don’t have it in your system (assuming you are using a linux system):

$ sudo pip install sphinx


$ sudo  easy_install sphinx

then you have to compile the docs. Go to the web package doc folder:

$ cd  web/trunk/doc

(if you have downloaded OpenERP trunk following elbati’s how-to you’ll have the web client in this path)

and run

$ make source html

That’s it! Now you can browse the docs by going to the newly generated folder web/trunk/doc/build/html and opening index.html into your favorite web browser.

As any other OpenERP documentation is quite un-finished but it’s a good starting point for skimming trough the new web client capabilities.

UPDATE: docs are now available here:

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Written by on Monday, January 9th, 2012

  • Antanas

    Thanks a lot!