(English) OpenERP web – How to add custom functionalities to the sidebar

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

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Written by on lunedì, giugno 4th, 2012

  • http://twitter.com/OpenERPAsia OpenERP Asia

    Very interesting. We are going to test this very soon. Thanks for the tip.

  • Nhomar Hernandez

    Great Job Dude, You are a GOD 😉

    • http://www.domsense.com/ Simone Orsi

      Hi Nhomar, to much gracefulness 🙂 tnx

  • Marek

    Hey. Thanks for this article, its very useful, but…. 😉 I need to have my new sidebar button visible just for specific model (like ‘res.sale’ for example). Do you know the way how to do it ?

  • Donald

    simahawk, thanks for the tutorials. how can i customize the side bar of the open erp 7 to my own taste step by step if it is OK by you then just the code from the start then to the changes on the browser. if u could help, i would really appreciate here is my mail repsy4real@yahoo.com. Expecting your reply

  • http://hachemidev.blogspot.com HachDev

    how can i create a form or a button in the Website Ecommerce module and control the submit action from the controller